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The test environment and security – the National Operator must be satisfied with: 
a. spacing between desks, which is sufficient so that one candidate’s test is not clearly visible to another candidate.
b. lighting and temperature that enable candidates to undergo tests in comfort.
c. availability of secure locked facilities for storing test material, where applicable.

IT facilities and infrastructure – the National Operator must be satisfied that: 
a. the test centre has the necessary hardware and software, including licences, to run selected Programmes and the National Operator must make it clear the responsibility for this rests with the test centre. 
b. backup and security procedures are adequate.
c. appropriate approval has been received from candidates to store their candidate information within the administration system used by the test centre if required by Data Protection legislation.  

Additional infrastructure requirements for Automated Test Systems (ATS) – the National Operator must be satisfied that: 
a. system requirements are met and functioning correctly on-site.
b. systems security procedures must be in place and followed.
c. internet connectivity and bandwidth requirements can be accommodated.
d. technical skills are available to allow set up and running of automated testing. 
Staff details and responsibilities – the National Operator must be satisfied that test centre staff are adequately qualified to operate and supervise selected Programmes. Staff are also responsible for handling potential candidate enquiries. Additionally, there must be sufficient staff levels to manage and administer all aspects of the test centre’s activities in relation to the delivery of selected Programmes. 

Administration and Reporting – the National Operator must be satisfied that:
a. the test centre has an administrative infrastructure and staffing level appropriate to its size.
b. there is an adequate candidate administration system which is in use, properly operated and is sufficient to support the data recording and reporting requirements associated with selected testing.  
c. records are maintained in a format as directed by the National Operator.


Test Centers should have:

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